Wonder Wheel
The title for today's post references the recent Woody Allen period piece starring my favorite actress of all time, Kate Winslet. In the film, four lives intertwine during the boom and bustle of the iconic Coney Island in the 1950's. Arguably, that was the heyday for the famed New York City attraction. Romance and drama flood each scene of this masterpiece, as only Woody Allen himself can tell.
Similarly, the Houston Astros have been experiencing their own kind of drama over the past month. August has seen another rough stretch for the spacemen. Fortunately, the return of key players such as George Springer and Jose Altuve has aided in getting the team back to their winning ways. They've won 3 of their last 4 against heel-nipping divisional rivals, the Seattle Mariners and the Oakland Athletics, both of whom are battling for one of the wild card spots.
Among those that have stepped up in place of injuries, no one has been more impressive than Tyler White. He is being given the attention he so rightfully deserves. After hitting an insurance home run in the 9th inning of yesterday's game, it became all the more clearer just how much he has earned his place on the major league roster. He even went so far as to help lead a stare down on camera that has gotten quite the buzz across the baseball world. You can see for yourselves in the tweet below.
Yeah, remember him? El Oso Blanco? The guy who has been a solid foundation for this group over the past 4 seasons, and was a perennial part of the championship run last year? How quickly so many out there seem to forget about him. The bear only seems to get any respect when he's hitting balls over the fence. But heaven forbid he goes through a slump like any player does in this game, and the torches and pitchforks get lit up and sharpened respectively.
Folks, I think all of you need to step off. As much hard work as Gattis has put in, and continues to put in, for this team, organization and city, it is baffling how unfair a lot of you are being towards him. Yes, by all means, keep giving credit to White, but not at the expense of a player that helped get this city it's very first World Series title. Keep in mind, plate appearances do factor in. While White has done well, it is way off to be talking about him being a superstar DH that will replace Evan Gattis next season.
Also, as another fact that some of you seem to be ignorant to, most of White's PA's have come as a first baseman. He also knows how to play the rest of the infield and left field. Sound like someone else we know? It should, because they are the exact same positions that Marwin Gonzalez plays. Who, by the way, just happened to get signed by notorious money grubbing agent, Scott Boras. Most likely, Gonzalez will depart and free up a space to allow both Tyler White and Evan Gattis to exist on the same roster, despite what so many of you childishly fight against.
I understand that anything can happen over the winter. Evan's own mother made us more aware of that when she retweeted the 2019 schedule and made it a point to say that she thought it was "bittersweet because the bear may not be here." Honestly, I could have gone the next two and half months without having that kind of assault on my heart strings, but that's neither here nor there. Much like the characters in the film, a lot of us are having to deal with the harsh realities that still exist.
Quite frankly, money has never been an issue with Gattis, and never will be. Those that gripe about him being to expensive are completely oblivious to the fact that he's been paid peanuts for most of his career. That doesn't really expect to change, even in his upcoming free agency year. Does he deserve to get paid the big bucks? Absolutely, he does! However, would he be willing to take a pay cut to stay in Houston? I can say with the utmost certainty that he would.
Point is, people need to stop being armchair GM's. You don't have all the answers, and neither do I. This is why someone like Jeff Luhnow gets paid to make these personnel decisions. We won't always agree with them, but they will be made for the good of everyone involved. Most especially, so that the Houston Astros can continue winning championships. Whether folks want to accept it or not, Evan Gattis is a player that brings championships. He's already proven it, and will continue to do so. He has skills, talent and clubhouse chemistry that is unmatched by anyone.
That's not something you can just find anywhere. Nor do the Astros need to. He's right here!
Similarly, the Houston Astros have been experiencing their own kind of drama over the past month. August has seen another rough stretch for the spacemen. Fortunately, the return of key players such as George Springer and Jose Altuve has aided in getting the team back to their winning ways. They've won 3 of their last 4 against heel-nipping divisional rivals, the Seattle Mariners and the Oakland Athletics, both of whom are battling for one of the wild card spots.
Among those that have stepped up in place of injuries, no one has been more impressive than Tyler White. He is being given the attention he so rightfully deserves. After hitting an insurance home run in the 9th inning of yesterday's game, it became all the more clearer just how much he has earned his place on the major league roster. He even went so far as to help lead a stare down on camera that has gotten quite the buzz across the baseball world. You can see for yourselves in the tweet below.
I honestly couldn't be happier for White. Through all of the hate that has been flung at him over the years, it's about time to see him get some respect around these parts. The only downside is, the respect he's been given has now come at a price of disrespect towards your people's champion and mine, Evan Gattis.Legends. pic.twitter.com/Z0UiCAxGCdā Houston Astros (@astros) August 22, 2018
Yeah, remember him? El Oso Blanco? The guy who has been a solid foundation for this group over the past 4 seasons, and was a perennial part of the championship run last year? How quickly so many out there seem to forget about him. The bear only seems to get any respect when he's hitting balls over the fence. But heaven forbid he goes through a slump like any player does in this game, and the torches and pitchforks get lit up and sharpened respectively.
Folks, I think all of you need to step off. As much hard work as Gattis has put in, and continues to put in, for this team, organization and city, it is baffling how unfair a lot of you are being towards him. Yes, by all means, keep giving credit to White, but not at the expense of a player that helped get this city it's very first World Series title. Keep in mind, plate appearances do factor in. While White has done well, it is way off to be talking about him being a superstar DH that will replace Evan Gattis next season.
Also, as another fact that some of you seem to be ignorant to, most of White's PA's have come as a first baseman. He also knows how to play the rest of the infield and left field. Sound like someone else we know? It should, because they are the exact same positions that Marwin Gonzalez plays. Who, by the way, just happened to get signed by notorious money grubbing agent, Scott Boras. Most likely, Gonzalez will depart and free up a space to allow both Tyler White and Evan Gattis to exist on the same roster, despite what so many of you childishly fight against.
I understand that anything can happen over the winter. Evan's own mother made us more aware of that when she retweeted the 2019 schedule and made it a point to say that she thought it was "bittersweet because the bear may not be here." Honestly, I could have gone the next two and half months without having that kind of assault on my heart strings, but that's neither here nor there. Much like the characters in the film, a lot of us are having to deal with the harsh realities that still exist.
Quite frankly, money has never been an issue with Gattis, and never will be. Those that gripe about him being to expensive are completely oblivious to the fact that he's been paid peanuts for most of his career. That doesn't really expect to change, even in his upcoming free agency year. Does he deserve to get paid the big bucks? Absolutely, he does! However, would he be willing to take a pay cut to stay in Houston? I can say with the utmost certainty that he would.
Point is, people need to stop being armchair GM's. You don't have all the answers, and neither do I. This is why someone like Jeff Luhnow gets paid to make these personnel decisions. We won't always agree with them, but they will be made for the good of everyone involved. Most especially, so that the Houston Astros can continue winning championships. Whether folks want to accept it or not, Evan Gattis is a player that brings championships. He's already proven it, and will continue to do so. He has skills, talent and clubhouse chemistry that is unmatched by anyone.
That's not something you can just find anywhere. Nor do the Astros need to. He's right here!
Original Photo Credit: Jason O. Watson of Getty Images
The look Evan Gattis gives to all of you doubters and haters out there.

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