The Other Side of the Mirror
When the incomparable Stevie Nicks released this, her fourth studio album, in 1989, she was on the last limbs of her addiction to cocaine and receiving treatment at the Betty Ford clinic. In many interviews, like the one here, she explains how the record was loosely based on the Alice in Wonderland stories by Lewis Carroll, in the way the album was produced, and how the lyrics to the songs were constructed. Additionally, she also gives chase to the turbulent relationships she had been in with band mates from Fleetwood Mac, as well as one of her own relatives, her grandmother, Alice. The general concept with the album is that things may not always be how they appear, and I invite you all to listen to it from start to finish here. You won't be disappointed.
That concept album is also one of my favorite records of all time, and fits well into my recent vacation that I have just returned from. Let me be clear, this trip was much needed. I got to see family and enjoy my birthday week with them. I even got to take in my very first of all time Spring Training game at The Ballpark of the Palm Beaches to see the Houston Astros take on the Minnesota Twins. Thankfully, the spacemen ended up winning the game 8-4, with most of their runs being scored across the first three innings. You can see some recap of my trip, as well as the game, on my Facebook page here. More to come in the next few days!
All of this aside, there were still a couple of things that did cause me some slight discomfort. These relate to the players on the team, as well as your people's champion and mine, Evan Gattis. The truth is, I was told by so many that the players are far more accessible during Spring Training then the regular season. I have read a number of accounts across social media about how generous and congenial the players can get with the fans, both before and after a game.
While there was some truth to this at the game I went to, I also had to see the other side of the metaphorical mirror, as it were. For most of the players I really wanted to try and, at least if nothing else, snap a selfie with them, I bore witness to a disconnect from the players that I was hoping that I would never have to see. And while I'm more understanding of the need for them to get into regular season focus and providing players the benefit of the doubt, the kids that were nearby me may not see it the same way.
To make matters worse, El Oso Blanco was among those players that closed themselves off to the fans. I was fortunate enough to get him to wave and say hi to me at the very least. However, there were a small group of kids that came with items to be signed, and he ended up telling them that he had to run. At that point, my heart did sink a little bit. Mostly because I don't want those kids to get a bad impression of the Big White Bear, because that was CLEARLY not the real him.
I do hope those kids will soon get to know the real Evan Gattis like I do. The one that is always giving to the fans, and wants so much for them to have a positively lasting impression on the sport of baseball. The one that is accessible and allows folks to have conversations with him, for as much time as he can spare in between warm ups, practice, and post-game. The one that has gotten himself out of so many jams in life, that the fans can not only relate to him on, but also admire him for, like I always have and will. The one that I am proud to call my bear buddy.
And while on the subject, I think it's important for you readers to understand something about why I call him that. It's very simple: Despite the few meetings we've had so far, I still consider Evan something of a friend. Someone I am hoping to prove my worth to. Someone that I am hoping to get a sit down with at some point and interview for this very blog. In the process, I would also hope such a sit down would allow him to ask questions of me and get to know me a little better to go along with as much as I know about him.
My fondest wish is to earn the trust and friendship of THE Evan Gattis. I don't care how much others try to put labels on me about it, or use characteristics about me like my sexual orientation in order to discredit or marginalize me. And I'm sure as hell not going to give internet trolls any fodder, either. I have what it takes to succeed. And at the end of the day, I'm gonna make it happen.
What I can also say is that Gattis deserves to get enough playing time this year. One of the other things that made me uneasy was looking in the Spring Training magazine and finding THIS!:
But at the same time, I don't want El Oso Blanco to get lost in the shuffle by either bench suppression or trade. Evan deserves consistent playing time. He deserves to show how perennial he is to the success of this team in getting into the post season, and eventually, a world title. Between him and BMac (Brian McCann) being the field generals and power hitting catchers that they are, a tandem that should be in place through the entire duration of the 2019 season, there is absolutely nothing standing in their way of the goals at hand. However, something has got to give. And it needs to happen soon, especially with Opening Day on the horizon. One week from today, to be exact!
That concept album is also one of my favorite records of all time, and fits well into my recent vacation that I have just returned from. Let me be clear, this trip was much needed. I got to see family and enjoy my birthday week with them. I even got to take in my very first of all time Spring Training game at The Ballpark of the Palm Beaches to see the Houston Astros take on the Minnesota Twins. Thankfully, the spacemen ended up winning the game 8-4, with most of their runs being scored across the first three innings. You can see some recap of my trip, as well as the game, on my Facebook page here. More to come in the next few days!
All of this aside, there were still a couple of things that did cause me some slight discomfort. These relate to the players on the team, as well as your people's champion and mine, Evan Gattis. The truth is, I was told by so many that the players are far more accessible during Spring Training then the regular season. I have read a number of accounts across social media about how generous and congenial the players can get with the fans, both before and after a game.
While there was some truth to this at the game I went to, I also had to see the other side of the metaphorical mirror, as it were. For most of the players I really wanted to try and, at least if nothing else, snap a selfie with them, I bore witness to a disconnect from the players that I was hoping that I would never have to see. And while I'm more understanding of the need for them to get into regular season focus and providing players the benefit of the doubt, the kids that were nearby me may not see it the same way.
To make matters worse, El Oso Blanco was among those players that closed themselves off to the fans. I was fortunate enough to get him to wave and say hi to me at the very least. However, there were a small group of kids that came with items to be signed, and he ended up telling them that he had to run. At that point, my heart did sink a little bit. Mostly because I don't want those kids to get a bad impression of the Big White Bear, because that was CLEARLY not the real him.
I do hope those kids will soon get to know the real Evan Gattis like I do. The one that is always giving to the fans, and wants so much for them to have a positively lasting impression on the sport of baseball. The one that is accessible and allows folks to have conversations with him, for as much time as he can spare in between warm ups, practice, and post-game. The one that has gotten himself out of so many jams in life, that the fans can not only relate to him on, but also admire him for, like I always have and will. The one that I am proud to call my bear buddy.
And while on the subject, I think it's important for you readers to understand something about why I call him that. It's very simple: Despite the few meetings we've had so far, I still consider Evan something of a friend. Someone I am hoping to prove my worth to. Someone that I am hoping to get a sit down with at some point and interview for this very blog. In the process, I would also hope such a sit down would allow him to ask questions of me and get to know me a little better to go along with as much as I know about him.
My fondest wish is to earn the trust and friendship of THE Evan Gattis. I don't care how much others try to put labels on me about it, or use characteristics about me like my sexual orientation in order to discredit or marginalize me. And I'm sure as hell not going to give internet trolls any fodder, either. I have what it takes to succeed. And at the end of the day, I'm gonna make it happen.
What I can also say is that Gattis deserves to get enough playing time this year. One of the other things that made me uneasy was looking in the Spring Training magazine and finding THIS!:
No amount of awkwardness or nausea can even compare to exactly how seeing that made me feel. I keep holding onto every hope and prayer that Skipper A.J. Hinch does not make him ride on that bench more than he needs to. Yes, his numbers may not be all the best in Spring Training right now, at least not what we are used to from the bear, further adding to the uneasy feelings. And of course, there is no "I" in team, as they say. I must make it clear to everyone out there that I support EVERY SINGLE player, coach and member of this Houston Astros organization to get them the World Championship. Certain fans are also included among this, but they know who they are.That awkward moment when you get back from vacation and flip through your #Astros Spring Training magazine, only to find THIS! šš”ā James I Zeankowski (@tvwizard85) March 26, 2017
But at the same time, I don't want El Oso Blanco to get lost in the shuffle by either bench suppression or trade. Evan deserves consistent playing time. He deserves to show how perennial he is to the success of this team in getting into the post season, and eventually, a world title. Between him and BMac (Brian McCann) being the field generals and power hitting catchers that they are, a tandem that should be in place through the entire duration of the 2019 season, there is absolutely nothing standing in their way of the goals at hand. However, something has got to give. And it needs to happen soon, especially with Opening Day on the horizon. One week from today, to be exact!
Original Photo Credit: Bill Morton
This bear "reflects" what is special about the game of baseball and the Houston Astros. Let's just hope that is not forgotten.
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