Something to Talk About!
Happy 2018, WBC readers and Astros fans everywhere! Did you miss me?....Be honest! I missed all of you. After a 2 month hiatus for the holidays and completing the rewrites of all 3 of my scripts, I have returned to my usual blogging ways. I felt it only necessary to reference the title of a popular song by Bonnie Raitt and subsequent film starring Julia Roberts as my first post back for the New Year.
In the process of revamping this blog, I've also begun the personal journey to getting in better shape and increasing my longevity. Being that this will be my 33rd year on this planet, I've made the commitment to do something about my health now before it is to late. I don't want to go the route of my dad and fall apart in my 40s. Although, he's making improvements himself while in his 60s, so I suppose it's never too late to make a change in your life for the greater good.
But I digress. It's been almost 10 days since Astros Fan Fest, and it was quite the packed house for our World Champs! I attended all the way from Fort Worth for what has now become a yearly tradition of trekking to Houston. You can see some of the Facebook Live video that I shot during the event at the highlighted link.
While I came just shy of getting pics with Justin Verlander or Tyler White, I did enjoy myself and all the activities that were offered. Including, most notably, the Fan Forums. I was in the packed one that featured the two MVP's, Jose Altuve and George Springer. It was a lot of fun!
Through it all, I did get one very important pic out of the fest....THE ONE of me standing next to the Commissioner's Trophy! You can see it down below this post. By far and away, that was the highlight of the event for me. I also met a few folks that know of me and this very blog. Coincidentally, they happen to live in the Fort Worth area as well. Hopefully, I'll be able to get to see them again, as those were good people that I can potentially be good friends with.
LATE EDIT: Big shout out to the Ballengee Group, Tyler White's agency, for plugging my latest House of Houston piece as to why I believe he'll crack the 25 man roster this year. It means a lot to me, folks! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!Why @twhite409 will crack the #Astros 25-man roster via @tvwizard85 @HouseOfHoustonā Ballengee Group (@BallengeeGroup) January 22, 2018
Through it all, I did get one very important pic out of the fest....THE ONE of me standing next to the Commissioner's Trophy! You can see it down below this post. By far and away, that was the highlight of the event for me. I also met a few folks that know of me and this very blog. Coincidentally, they happen to live in the Fort Worth area as well. Hopefully, I'll be able to get to see them again, as those were good people that I can potentially be good friends with.
Amidst the fun, two noticeable absences from the event were my #BearSquared buddies, Brian McCann and your people's champion and mine, Evan Gattis. With the two of them still being factors for the catching core next season, the both of them could certainly use some added rest. In the case of El Oso Blanco, Fan Fest weekend happened to fall on his one year anniversary with his wife, Kim. Here's hoping, with my fingers all crossed and everything, that we'll get to see some footage from that soon enough!
For now, it's a new year of new beginnings that all figure to be very promising. This is true for both the Houston Astros AND myself. It will take plenty of hard work for all to get where we truly would like to be, and nothing will happen overnight or by accident. But it will all be apart of another year to EARN IT!
Now THIS will be something to talk about for quite sometime. At least, until I win my Oscar and/or Emmy for Best Screenplay!
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