After a Hurricane, Comes a RAINBOW!
Yes, I took a Katy Perry lyric, but it is fitting for today's post. First of all, my apologies for not posting in a while again. I've had a lot of things going on recently, which I'm about to get to.
As you all are well aware, there was another mass shooting in America a week ago yesterday. While all mass shootings are tragedies, this particular one hit me especially hard. Why? 2 reasons: a. It happened in Orlando, where a good portion of my family have and currently still live. b. It happened at an LGBT establishment. I even had to help make some search calls throughout social media and texts. Thankfully, all that were missing are now present, accounted for and safe.
Those that know me well enough know that I make no secrets about my sexual orientation, and I'm not about to start now. I am, and always have been, a proud openly gay man. I feel no need to hide or make any apologies to anyone about it. Feel free to have your opinions, but please don't expect me to change mine, or a key element of who I am in my sexuality.
Folks, we have a serious homophobia problem in this country. Yes, this particular shooter was part of radical Islamic terrorism, which unlike some politicians, I have no problem saying or admitting to the fact. But here's the deal, he could have targeted any public place he wanted to. But the evidence that has surfaced about his past, which include 5 different Facebook profiles and use of gay dating apps intended to friend and stake out the LGBT community was just as much apart of this Hate Crime/Terrorism hybrid as anything else.
But it's not just the Islamic faith that has a problem with us. Some Christian pastors and priests have even gone so far as to praise the shooter for eliminating "the perverts and pedophiles from this world," to quote a Sacramento pastor. Like it or not, this sort of hate speech is almost just as bad as what the shooter actually did because they are all forms of extremism that need to be stopped. Only difference here, the shooter, along with most people of radical Islam, actually walk the walk along with talking the talk on their rhetoric that seeks to destroy anyone not in line with their way of thinking.
The best way we can stop this extremism is for people across all faiths to stop attending or giving money to churches that have clear anti LGBT ties and leaders. Stop contributing to and voting for politicians, unfortunately most in the right wing of the GOP, that keep voting against legislation that protects us from discrimination in the workplace, housing and adoption. Do your part to change the dialog!

Me wearing my rainbow scarf the day after the shooting as a showing of solidarity for the victims, their families, and my fellow brethren in the LGBT Community.
As per usual, when these things happen, people over politicize this event for their personal gains or votes. I've even had the unfortunate experience of having lost friends over this and having some colleagues make things awkward for me at work. Needless to say, it had not been a really good week last week.
Add to that (I'm now getting back to baseball folks, don't worry!) the fact that your people's champion and mine, Evan Gattis had himself quite the slump over the last road trip, going only 1 for 36 in that stretch. His offensive numbers were beginning to shrink again, and many in the fan base were starting to feel discouraged about the Big White Bear, even unleashing more uncalled for hate towards him. There was a sinking feeling that hope was starting to be lost.
And then it happened....
As you all are well aware, there was another mass shooting in America a week ago yesterday. While all mass shootings are tragedies, this particular one hit me especially hard. Why? 2 reasons: a. It happened in Orlando, where a good portion of my family have and currently still live. b. It happened at an LGBT establishment. I even had to help make some search calls throughout social media and texts. Thankfully, all that were missing are now present, accounted for and safe.
Those that know me well enough know that I make no secrets about my sexual orientation, and I'm not about to start now. I am, and always have been, a proud openly gay man. I feel no need to hide or make any apologies to anyone about it. Feel free to have your opinions, but please don't expect me to change mine, or a key element of who I am in my sexuality.
Folks, we have a serious homophobia problem in this country. Yes, this particular shooter was part of radical Islamic terrorism, which unlike some politicians, I have no problem saying or admitting to the fact. But here's the deal, he could have targeted any public place he wanted to. But the evidence that has surfaced about his past, which include 5 different Facebook profiles and use of gay dating apps intended to friend and stake out the LGBT community was just as much apart of this Hate Crime/Terrorism hybrid as anything else.
But it's not just the Islamic faith that has a problem with us. Some Christian pastors and priests have even gone so far as to praise the shooter for eliminating "the perverts and pedophiles from this world," to quote a Sacramento pastor. Like it or not, this sort of hate speech is almost just as bad as what the shooter actually did because they are all forms of extremism that need to be stopped. Only difference here, the shooter, along with most people of radical Islam, actually walk the walk along with talking the talk on their rhetoric that seeks to destroy anyone not in line with their way of thinking.
The best way we can stop this extremism is for people across all faiths to stop attending or giving money to churches that have clear anti LGBT ties and leaders. Stop contributing to and voting for politicians, unfortunately most in the right wing of the GOP, that keep voting against legislation that protects us from discrimination in the workplace, housing and adoption. Do your part to change the dialog!

Me wearing my rainbow scarf the day after the shooting as a showing of solidarity for the victims, their families, and my fellow brethren in the LGBT Community.
As per usual, when these things happen, people over politicize this event for their personal gains or votes. I've even had the unfortunate experience of having lost friends over this and having some colleagues make things awkward for me at work. Needless to say, it had not been a really good week last week.
Add to that (I'm now getting back to baseball folks, don't worry!) the fact that your people's champion and mine, Evan Gattis had himself quite the slump over the last road trip, going only 1 for 36 in that stretch. His offensive numbers were beginning to shrink again, and many in the fan base were starting to feel discouraged about the Big White Bear, even unleashing more uncalled for hate towards him. There was a sinking feeling that hope was starting to be lost.
And then it happened....
Not only did El Oso Blanco get key hits in this past home series against the Reds, he put on one of the best displays on both sides of the ball this season. And all on Father's Day! (Explanation for the powder Tar Heel blue on their jerseys) That game was definitely for you, Mr. Gattis!
Additionally, so many outpourings or support and solidarity brought tears to my eyes that hope can and will be restored to this entire country, but especially, to us in the LGBT community.
Video Credit: MLS Soccer and Orlando City
This past Astros game and the displays of LGBT support was enough to send my spirits soaring again, back to the heights that I am used to having them at. Evan and these supporters restored my faith after having lost some of it the past week following the tragedy in Orlando that things will, in fact, get better. Time still needs to heal some of the wounds, as things cannot just happen overnight, whether it is related to baseball or about this great country that we all love. We all need to do our parts in ensuring these evil things don't keep happening. To everything, there is a season. But things are starting to make the turn from time of hate to time of love. Not only will the Houston Astros keep winning, but love will continue winning as well!

Photo Credit: Houston Astros on Twitter
I envy Altuve in this scenario. Best public display of affection I've EVER seen. #LoveWins! :)
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