As Time Goes By....

The Houston Astros have won 4 of their last 5 series, prior to tonight's start of a 3 game set versus division rival, the Oakland Athletics. They are also 8 for their last 10 games. All signs are pointing ever closer to a long winning stretch for the spacemen, especially going into the real heat of summer.

At the pinnacle of this win streak is your people's champion and mine, Evan Gattis. And boy, has he been having a time of things lately. In doing a comparison, this particular stat was given on Twitter the other day by Houston Chronicle reporter, Jake Kaplan:

To add to the already mounting great news on El Oso Blanco on offense is his stellar defense upon returning to the position he was born to play: Catcher. His best stat there already so far is ironically the one area he struggled with back in Atlanta: His CS (caught stealing) ratio of would be base runners. He is already 5 for 10 in that category, giving him a 50% ratio so far. And with Evan getting another start back there this evening with Castro being ill, it will make it the first time since September of 2014 that he has caught in 4 straight games. Oddly enough, this is the number of games that Castro himself can go before needing to be spotted.

So that presents a good news/bad news scenario for Evan. If Castro does not get well quick, meaning by tomorrow, the team could be in a real pickle. Granted, Evan has been nothing if not tremendous at backstop in his few starts so far. However, thinking health wise, you don't want to run him to much into the ground so early.

One bit of news that has already circulated is that rookie first baseman, Tyler White may in fact be used as an emergency 3rd catcher, should the need arise. That, of course, is not the most ideal situation since White is a natural corner infielder. On the other hand, the team may be out of any further options. We can only pray it doesn't come to that extreme emergency situation.

But through it all, the Houston Astros and Evan Gattis are showing tremendous progress and promise through the month of May and heading on into June. Or as is commonly called, the dog days of summer. And you all can be sure, these spacemen will keep the heat going!

Due to Jason Castro being ill, Gattis will catch again for the Astros. Photo: Brett Coomer, Staff / Ā© 2016 Houston Chronicle
Photo Credit: Karen Warren of the Houston Chronicle

And the White Bear plays ever on. Quite well, I might add!!!!


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