Defending the House of Astro

For America's 240th birthday today, I decided to do a fun post and theme it to a popular TV show I have very little knowledge of: Game of Thrones. Taking the few things I do know of the show, along with my screenwriting abilities, I will attempt to unveil this story with tremendous conquest.

This past weekend saw a rough battle that ended badly for our spacemen troops. The Astros dropped two out of three games from the visiting Chicago White Sox. Additionally, your people's champion and mine, the White Bear Lord, Evan Gattis is 0 for his last 8, which concurrently run with his July numbers so far. Things were not looking so great, and it appeared as if Winter was coming all too soon.

Two plays of note from White Bear Lord Gattis in the past White Sox series battle, one good one bad, transpired as followed:

1. The bad - This came yesterday late in the game. Chris Devinski, otherwise known as Squire Devo, shot an unintentional target pitch off of the arm of Jose Abreu. Tradition of baseball dictates that the opposing pitcher go out and hit one of the batters in the following inning, whether the hit batsman was intentional or not. So, Jose Quintana, vein prince of the south side kingdom mound, went out the following half inning and attempted two dirty shots himself at our people's champion. You can see the battle transpire here.

Captain Hinch's post-battle proclamations here.

The People's Champion, White Bear Lord Gattis, and HIS proclamation post-battle here.

The White Sox troops will, of course, claim they did want plan that shot. But the evidence of accounts shows the clear intent of harm. White Bear Lord Gattis, being the People's Champion that he is, carried himself in a dignified manor, as per usual. The unfortunate defeat came in that White Bear Lord Gattis would eventually strikeout at that same at bat. The plan was for him to try and launch a home run cannon, but it was not meant to be.

And now....

2. The good - White Bear Lord Gattis received a fast shot from Sir Jake of Marisnick to connect for a defeat of Sir Adam Eaton at the home plate drawbridge. Video footage of that battle here. Along with a capture of the moment of victory here:


The People's Champion has proved, time and time over again, that he deserves to be the starting catcher and defender of the plates. This is just another one of the many scrolls of proof. Here. the White Bear Lord lays claim to his plate, telling Sir Adam, "Not today, blaggard!" The silver lining is that the White Bear Lord is batting .273 over the past 7 games. (6-for-22 in that stretch!)

In spite of the series loss to the White Sox of the south side kingdom of Chicago, the Mariners of Seattle Mountain way came into battle just this afternoon, only to fall in defeat 2-1. King George of Springer launched one of his infamous home run cannons to signal the Mariners of Seattle to an eventual retreat. Though two more battle with this army (team) loom on the horizon, the Spacemen Astros of the H-Town kingdom will be more than prepared for attacks may come their way.

So yeah, I did my best to go all Game of Thrones on this post. If I didn't do well enough, feel free to enjoy this take from MLB Network's famed "MLB Central" show here. HAPPY 4TH OF JULY, EVERYONE!!!!

Houston Astros designated hitter Evan Gattis (11) heads back to the dugout after striking out to end the seventh inning of an MLB game at Minute Maid Park, Sunday, July 3, 2016, in Houston. Photo: Jon Shapley, Houston Chronicle / Ā© 2015  Houston Chronicle
Photo Credit: Jon Shapley of the Houston Chronicle

Photo Credit: Leslie Plaza Johnson, Photographer

No one DARES invade the House of Astro and comes out of it victorious on the other side!!!!


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