The Unwelcoming Return of Bear Bullying
Readers, you are now entering another dimension. A dimension of sight and sound. One that hears the speed of a fastball hit the crack of a bat. It is the dimension known as....THE BASEBALL ZONE!
Clever, eh? Well readers, apparently too many people out there believe that your people's champion and mine, Evan Gattis does not deserve to be anywhere near the baseball zone as it relates to the Houston Astros. Just check out this latest article from Fansided's Climbing Tal's Hill here.
I have SO many problems with this article, it is difficult to really figure out where exactly to begin. As Bugs Bunny so famously said once, "OH NO, IT'S TOO GRUESOME....BUT I'LL DO IT!!!!"
First of all, to say anything about Evan Gattis' future being "murky" is a gross injustice for so many reasons that I cannot even name them all. This player and man have been anything but murky, and the use of that word to describe him in any capacity is, quite frankly, an insult.
Secondly, yes WE ALL KNOW he has things to work on. So does any player in the league that you can name outside of Mike Trout, Bryce Harper or Carlos Correa. All 3 of those gentlemen remain exceptions to the baseball rule that there is always room for improvement. But we're all aware of how much Evan needs to increase the overall average and OBP, while working pitch counts to his favor to draw more walks. That part remains clear, even now.
Third, I used the Twilight Zone analogy at the beginning of my post to illustrate a big misstep in Mr. Poage's article, given all due respect to him. His use of the term "one-dimensional" was what really ground up my gears. A player that leads the club in the two most important club stats of home runs and RBI, while also at 6'4" & 250lbs, managing to leg out 11 triples & hit chin-high and one-handed home runs in the process of all of this is something clearly far from being one-dimensional. There are so many dimensions to a player and man like Gattis, it is almost shocking how many dimensions can be found, if one only has the faith and the fortitude to see and look at such things.
So no critics and haters, I will not shut up about this. I refuse to sit on the sidelines and allow you to degrade and insult a player that goes out there, even now in rehab, to bust his ass to get better for himself AND this team. And yes, I will come at you with every ounce of my being to fend you off. No matter what becomes of me. Which in reality, I'm doing pretty well for myself, despite some things that I am doing in my own career and life to improve upon. But I make my way through the world today taking everything I stride, that is.
So take your hate elsewhere. We're all stocked up here!
P.S. Evan was sporting a new mustache that everyone wanted to make such a spectacle out of. Being the classier guy I am, I refuse to do that. Instead, show you a pic of Evan that is far more endearing.

Photo Credit: Rob Carr/Getty Images North America
Clever, eh? Well readers, apparently too many people out there believe that your people's champion and mine, Evan Gattis does not deserve to be anywhere near the baseball zone as it relates to the Houston Astros. Just check out this latest article from Fansided's Climbing Tal's Hill here.
I have SO many problems with this article, it is difficult to really figure out where exactly to begin. As Bugs Bunny so famously said once, "OH NO, IT'S TOO GRUESOME....BUT I'LL DO IT!!!!"
First of all, to say anything about Evan Gattis' future being "murky" is a gross injustice for so many reasons that I cannot even name them all. This player and man have been anything but murky, and the use of that word to describe him in any capacity is, quite frankly, an insult.
Secondly, yes WE ALL KNOW he has things to work on. So does any player in the league that you can name outside of Mike Trout, Bryce Harper or Carlos Correa. All 3 of those gentlemen remain exceptions to the baseball rule that there is always room for improvement. But we're all aware of how much Evan needs to increase the overall average and OBP, while working pitch counts to his favor to draw more walks. That part remains clear, even now.
Third, I used the Twilight Zone analogy at the beginning of my post to illustrate a big misstep in Mr. Poage's article, given all due respect to him. His use of the term "one-dimensional" was what really ground up my gears. A player that leads the club in the two most important club stats of home runs and RBI, while also at 6'4" & 250lbs, managing to leg out 11 triples & hit chin-high and one-handed home runs in the process of all of this is something clearly far from being one-dimensional. There are so many dimensions to a player and man like Gattis, it is almost shocking how many dimensions can be found, if one only has the faith and the fortitude to see and look at such things.
So no critics and haters, I will not shut up about this. I refuse to sit on the sidelines and allow you to degrade and insult a player that goes out there, even now in rehab, to bust his ass to get better for himself AND this team. And yes, I will come at you with every ounce of my being to fend you off. No matter what becomes of me. Which in reality, I'm doing pretty well for myself, despite some things that I am doing in my own career and life to improve upon. But I make my way through the world today taking everything I stride, that is.
So take your hate elsewhere. We're all stocked up here!
P.S. Evan was sporting a new mustache that everyone wanted to make such a spectacle out of. Being the classier guy I am, I refuse to do that. Instead, show you a pic of Evan that is far more endearing.
Photo Credit: Rob Carr/Getty Images North America
Some folks out there are going to be real sorry when El Oso Blanco tears it up with that awesome bat of his upon returning to the lineup!!!!
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