The Big White "Bad News" Bear

So not but a few hours after I had posted my last entry, a snowball of bad news just reeled in all over every wire and website. Brace yourselves readers, it's about to get really ugly and painful really quick.

First things first: Evan Gattis had surgery to repair a hernia. Good news; the injury does not appear to be severe or season/career ending. Bad news; his recovery time is expected to be 4-6 weeks. For those of you symbolically "keeping score," this will extend into a good portion of Spring Training. To throw more salt on the wound, to coin a phrase, he might not even be on the opening day roster.

And if that wasn't enough, to add insult to injury, coining another phrase, Evan is scheduled for his arbitration hearing next Tuesday the 16th. Reports have surfaced that he and the team are still "far apart" when it comes to settling on a salary. With this latest development, it could give the organization the momentum it needs to win a second arbitration case. This means that Evan could get underpaid what he is worth for a couple of reasons sighted by Houston Chronicle reporter, Evan Drellich:

1. His age - He will be 30 this coming August, and while it shouldn't matter, this could be used as leverage against him.

2. The surgery throws another "wrinkle" - While the arbitrators could have greatly considered siding with Evan in this particular case, this latest health development will now complicate things. Having this surgery could spell an impression of frailty and weakness, which would then give cause, however unnecessary, for these arbitrators to now side, yet again, with the organization rather than the player himself.

I myself am still trying to process all of this. Like his slow start last April, I now feel as though I may be a White Bear jinx. Maybe seeing him again during Fan Fest might have somehow cursed him, though I can't seem to pinpoint how or why. I could just be paranoid again, but I would hate to think that my support of Evan is actually doing him harm rather than the good I seek for it to create.

But I won't dwell on that. I won't give into fear or submit to any of the doubt, criticism or hate of him that still exists out there. Instead, I will take charge to the hope that you all will join me in wishing El Oso Blanco a speedy and painless recovery. I can't imagine how taxing this must be on him, both physically and mentally. But I intend to stand by him the whole way and continue to openly express my loyalty and devotion to the REAL people's champion. Unlike some out there, I will do the right thing!

Designated hitter Evan Gattis  got off to an extremely slow start in his first season with the Astros but recovered to have a 27-homer season. Photo: Karen Warren, Staff / Ā© 2015 Houston Chronicle

Photo Credit: Karen Warren - Houston Chronicle                   

Get Well Soon, Big White Bear! This game won't be the same without you!


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