Winning It All!

I present to you a special Oscars edition of The White Bear Chronicles:

As the first Spring Training game draws near, the Houston Astros have been putting on displays like no others. The most impressive of these came in a live batting practice session yesterday, when newly acquired closer from Philly, Ken Giles put on a pitching performance than stunned and excited all that were able to get even the slightest glimpse. You can read Brian McTaggart's article about it here.

The intensity of his pitch was so strong, that the pic of a heater buzzing right past Marwin Gonzalez was the pic of the day for all Astros fans, as seen here courtesy again of Mr. McTaggart:

But even in the midst of all the hard work that these fellas have been putting in the past few weeks, there have also been those occasional down times of play. Like this croquet/hockey style match from George Springer and Colby Rasmus caught by the team's official Twitter page:

Or even, a little bit of magic, courtesy of Tyler Heineman, minor league catcher. Pics provided by Jason Castro:

The hard work, mixed in with the laid back clubhouse culture is exactly what is going to help these guys to victory this fall. Never have I seen a more well gelled team in my life. It will completely demolish ANYTHING that all of the naysayers, doubters and haters all try to spin at them.

Speaking of which, I had to do my own calling out of other sports blogs for not really giving fair attention to the fact that you're people's champion and mine, Evan Gattis is progressing a lot quicker through his rehab than originally thought. I posted that on the SB Nation Astros site "The Crawfish Boxes," and you all can read that article here.

On another more serious note, I wanted to be a little bit expressive, if I may. Plenty of stones, tomatoes and practically anything else you can think of have been thrown in my direction over the course of the past year and a half since I started this blog. While for the most part I keep to a mentality of "haters gonna hate" and attempt to avoid these lashes, the sad truth is that I can't always avoid these things so easily.

What's worse is some of that cruely can, in fact, get to me a little bit sometime. Mostly, because I have not been able to yet get established with my sports journalism or screenwriting or BOTH. I do make attempts, and the road does seem long sometimes. But I am determined to see things through. Even if it means I have to get mud slung at me every now and again. I press on, with the full knowledge that what I do is noble, and if others can't see that, it is clearly their problem and not mine. And I fully intend to WIN IT ALL!!!!

And at least I am getting some help along the way. A big thank you to Craig Hlavaty of NewsFix Houston for this plug earlier in the week:

I do still yearn for that day when I get my big break. But while getting there, I will keep pressing on with my head held high, doing all I can to give the necessary props to this stellar Houston Astros team. Including the REAL people's champion, Mr. EVAN GATTIS!

Houston Astros Evan Gattis walks around a field as he worked with assistant athletic trainer, James Ready, during report day for Houston Astros pitchers and catchers at their Osceola County facility, in Kissmmee, FL, Thursday, Feb. 18, 2016. Photo: Karen Warren, Houston Chronicle / Ā© 2015  Houston Chronicle

Photo Credit: Karen Warren, Houston Chronicle

As Evan is doing in this picture, I will continue my writing walk, through BOTH the ups and the downs.

P.S. - In better news, stay tuned to my social media all day today for my predictions for tonight's Academy Awards!


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