Can The "Status of Gattis" Just Be Confirmed Already?!

Mark Bowman continues to make me sick with headlines like this:

Inbox: Braves settled on Gattis in left field?

And comments like these:

Everyone knows that Gattis is best suited to be in the American League, where he could be a designated hitter. (And you know this, how exactly?) There is also reason to understand why the Braves would want to keep him around for at least one more year, while he's still making less than $1 million.
If Gattis approaches the 30-homer mark and finds some comfort in left field, the Braves will certainly be happy with the decision to keep a guy they can control through 2018. But if his value diminishes over the next year, they will regret being hesitant to deal him this winter.
John Hart, do us all a favor please, and make comments like this stop! Tell these media bullies flat out that you intend to keep Evan around. I know baseball GM's don't reveal all their secrets, but this is one that just really needs to be debunked already. The fans have had it, it's clear the media has, AND SO HAVE I! I suppose I'll have to wait until they post the Caravan schedule. If Evan's apart of it, I'll know for sure they want to keep him. If not, I won't know what to think. 

I really just want to know the true "Status of Gattis." A man that has the kind of heart to do THESE THINGS for fans certainly gets my stay-on-the-team vote:


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