You Thought I Was Hardcore....

Meet this guy:

Severo Avila

Severo Avila

Severo Avila is Features Editor at the Rome News-Tribune

This man wrote an article about his New Years Resolutions, and here is what number 2 is on his list:

2. Get Atlanta Braves catcher Evan Gattis to go camping with me 
and my buddies. Some of you may know that Evan Gattis is my 
favorite active baseball player and Iā€™ve been trying to get him to 
come camping with my friends and me for two years now. This 
has led to a few ā€œsecurity incidents,ā€ a restraining order threat and 
short stint in Turner Field jail. Yes, thereā€™s such a thing. I donā€™t 
wanna talk about it. But this year is my year. Evan Gattis is the 
coolest, most awesome baseball player with an incredible story and 
an intimidating beard. He would have so much fun camping with 
me and my friends. I just have to (legally) make him see that. 


Let me make it perfectly clear that I, in no way, wish to exploit a fellow fan of El Oso Blanco. I actually admire his tenacity. But while I intend to want to sell off and get his permission to peruse a screenplay of his life story, (Evan, if you are reading this, I have a draft that you are more than welcome to read at any time if you say the word. Family and Friends of his, take note as well.), I would never go to such lengths as to necessitate the need for a restraining order. Evan is a very laid back individual, and if taking the right measures, I am sure that he would listen to anything you'd have to say or want from him. 

But honestly....PLEASE KEEP IT CIVIL!!!!
Please Don't Scare the White Bear! He Just May Use That Bat On You!


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