A Personal Plea to Evan
For those of you not interested in sentimental writings, you may want to turn away from this particular entry. In this, I shall be making an appeal to the man himself.
Look man, all of us hardcore fans of yours are doing what we can to defend you on message boards and the like to all the critics and cynics who want to run you out of town. I will personally keep doing it with every last breath in my body. While only John Hart is the man that will decide your baseball future, us fans, at least most of us, are really pulling for you to stay in Atlanta, whether behind the plate or in left field.
But whether you stay or have to be traded, I give you one simple tithing: PROVE THEM WRONG!!!!
That's right, show those critics and cynics that you are not this fast-aging, slow-moving defensive player that all are so quick to label you as. If they call you slow, do more sprints and drills. They say you can't throw? Work that cannon and get the fire power we all know is there going. Somehow, just make those critics shut up already! A lot of them are getting on the last nerve of us fans, especially me.
Evan, you don't have to prove anything to those that are loyal to you, like myself. We already know how good you are and how good you can be. We know how diligent your work ethic in baseball really is, both on AND off the field. Yes, haters are gonna hate no matter what. But wouldn't it be nice to rub their faces in it when you continue your amazing offensive power while putting up defensive numbers like no other?
I know you can do it, Evan. I believe in you! And will continue to so long as I am alive, dude. Show those haters how great you really are!
James Zeankowski (Probably, your biggest fan, but who's counting, right?! LOL)

I only hope and pray he reads this.
Look man, all of us hardcore fans of yours are doing what we can to defend you on message boards and the like to all the critics and cynics who want to run you out of town. I will personally keep doing it with every last breath in my body. While only John Hart is the man that will decide your baseball future, us fans, at least most of us, are really pulling for you to stay in Atlanta, whether behind the plate or in left field.
But whether you stay or have to be traded, I give you one simple tithing: PROVE THEM WRONG!!!!
That's right, show those critics and cynics that you are not this fast-aging, slow-moving defensive player that all are so quick to label you as. If they call you slow, do more sprints and drills. They say you can't throw? Work that cannon and get the fire power we all know is there going. Somehow, just make those critics shut up already! A lot of them are getting on the last nerve of us fans, especially me.
Evan, you don't have to prove anything to those that are loyal to you, like myself. We already know how good you are and how good you can be. We know how diligent your work ethic in baseball really is, both on AND off the field. Yes, haters are gonna hate no matter what. But wouldn't it be nice to rub their faces in it when you continue your amazing offensive power while putting up defensive numbers like no other?
I know you can do it, Evan. I believe in you! And will continue to so long as I am alive, dude. Show those haters how great you really are!
James Zeankowski (Probably, your biggest fan, but who's counting, right?! LOL)
I only hope and pray he reads this.
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