Personal Note: I Need to Vent About This!
This has gotten to a point where I can't hold it in anymore, and I need to say something about it.
I get really aggravated when people try to label my devotion to Evan Gattis as creepy or obsessive. What did I ever to do any of you to warrant that? I especially get angry when it comes from total strangers like this looking to exploit Gattis:
Let explain something to you, readers and Braves fans. Your liking of someone is bound to grow when you actually get to meet that person and player, shake their hand (not once, but three times for me), tell them how great you think they are, all the while, they are incredibly humble and polite to you. Not to mention this:

I don't know about you, but try and tell me that this wouldn't mean the same damn thing to you? You're telling me you wouldn't feel stoked by this? It doesn't even have to be a baseball player or athlete. What about a movie star? How about a band or artist you like?
My point in all of this is people really need to get of their high and mighty horse out of, what appears to me to be, jealousy or envy. Just because I feel passionate about Evan, and want tirelessly to see him continue to succeed, in what I hope will be with the Atlanta Braves, but won't complain so long as he still gets to play, does not under any circumstances mean that I am somehow obsessive or creepy or stalker-ish. I am merely doing my part to contribute to his success and not downplay him or find reasons to label him some kind of a failure.
I know he's not perfect. He still has some defensive things to work on, and he had to go through a long road to get into baseball, having not made the best of choices along the way. But it is because of overcoming those obstacles in the face of adversity and keeping strong amid the hopelessness and finding that success is why I am drawn to him, and why I continue each day to highlight the progress of his career. Not only do I campaign for him to stay in Atlanta, I give solid and legit business and personal reasons as to why he should stay, even while so many other critics and cynics want him to be traded so damn badly, as if everything he has already done for this team and city/fans/Braves Country community, all of a sudden no longer matters.
Rest assured, I will continue to fight for Evan and be in his corner. I will continue to press extensively why he should remain on the roster for the Atlanta Braves, not just in 2015, but for years to come. When critics, haters and cynics decide to come out of the woodwork and downplay and exploit him or find ways to make him disappear, I will be there to constantly defend him and make him ever so visible to all. Long story short: I don't just support Evan Gattis; I BELIEVE IN HIM!!!!

I get really aggravated when people try to label my devotion to Evan Gattis as creepy or obsessive. What did I ever to do any of you to warrant that? I especially get angry when it comes from total strangers like this looking to exploit Gattis:
Let explain something to you, readers and Braves fans. Your liking of someone is bound to grow when you actually get to meet that person and player, shake their hand (not once, but three times for me), tell them how great you think they are, all the while, they are incredibly humble and polite to you. Not to mention this:

I don't know about you, but try and tell me that this wouldn't mean the same damn thing to you? You're telling me you wouldn't feel stoked by this? It doesn't even have to be a baseball player or athlete. What about a movie star? How about a band or artist you like?
My point in all of this is people really need to get of their high and mighty horse out of, what appears to me to be, jealousy or envy. Just because I feel passionate about Evan, and want tirelessly to see him continue to succeed, in what I hope will be with the Atlanta Braves, but won't complain so long as he still gets to play, does not under any circumstances mean that I am somehow obsessive or creepy or stalker-ish. I am merely doing my part to contribute to his success and not downplay him or find reasons to label him some kind of a failure.
I know he's not perfect. He still has some defensive things to work on, and he had to go through a long road to get into baseball, having not made the best of choices along the way. But it is because of overcoming those obstacles in the face of adversity and keeping strong amid the hopelessness and finding that success is why I am drawn to him, and why I continue each day to highlight the progress of his career. Not only do I campaign for him to stay in Atlanta, I give solid and legit business and personal reasons as to why he should stay, even while so many other critics and cynics want him to be traded so damn badly, as if everything he has already done for this team and city/fans/Braves Country community, all of a sudden no longer matters.
Rest assured, I will continue to fight for Evan and be in his corner. I will continue to press extensively why he should remain on the roster for the Atlanta Braves, not just in 2015, but for years to come. When critics, haters and cynics decide to come out of the woodwork and downplay and exploit him or find ways to make him disappear, I will be there to constantly defend him and make him ever so visible to all. Long story short: I don't just support Evan Gattis; I BELIEVE IN HIM!!!!

He made it rain in his debut! How can you not like Oso Blanco?! |
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